Major Update 2.0.2

It has been a while since I have released any updates . Here is something that is going to make the game a little more interesting yet less challenging to play. I have divided the update into two parts, just for fun.


NEW MENU: The Menu has changed a bit. The lower panel has been removed and integrated into the vertical menu. The campaign buttons have been styled into a horizontal menu. Have a look!

NEW UI FOR THE CAMPAIGN PANELS: Introducing a new way of arranging the chapter buttons. You can now directly see the map on the button. But it is quite small, so you can't predict stuff that is going to help you in-game. Have a look!

NEW LIGHTING FOR ALL CHAPTERS: Lighting has changed to make the game more interesting and sometimes challenging to play. There are four sets of lighting that corresponds to the four environments used throughout the game. Have a look!. That is a Martian sunset setting. The sun will always be setting in Mars.

CONTROLS: Last but not the least, PC controls are now customizable by the player. They are empty if you are playing for the first time, so kindly set them to your liking before starting a chapter.

With this we conclude the first part of the Major Update 2.0.2. Hold tight for the next set of updates.


SPARK CAMPAIGN ACT II - NEW CHAPTERS: Spark Campaign has been divided into 2 Acts. The first Act contains the original 10 long chapters that you are familiar with. The second Act, however, contains only 5 short fast-paced chapters that are more interesting to play. Expect to encounter a lot of flyovers, rotating lasers and turrets. Have a look!

NEW CHARACTERS: Nemesis Campaign and Mercenarium Custom Scenarios now introduces humans as enemy patrolling guards, actually they are just heavily armed military men ready to obliterate your android. Have a look.

ENHANCEMENTS - INTRODUCING THE BIO-TECH LAB: Enhancements are talents that you can exchange for the biomass capsules that you have collected. Each Enhancements costs you 15 capsules and once you have submitted all the capsules to the Bio-Tech lab, you will have completed the objective of the Spark Campaign. There are 12 Enhancements you might be interested in. Have a look!

With this we conclude the second part of the Major Update 2.0.2. Hold tight for the next set of updates.


  • Teleportation talent (Time Dilation) works in the Nemesis Campaign.
  • English is the only language of the game now. All the other 8 languages have been removed.
  • Flame-Guard talent cooldown reduced from 80s to 50s.
  • Cuirass of the Nemesis talent cooldown reduced from 60s to 40s.
  • Flame-Guard and Cuirass of the Nemesis talents have their cooldowns shown on each Spark Campaign chapter.
  • Flame-Guard and Cuirass of the Nemesis talents, if active show orbs around your character representing shield points.
  • New option added: Persistent Bodies. If kept on while playing the bodies of patrolling guards will remain till the end of the chapter. This includes your own droid.

That is all for this update. The changes were small yet helpful for the user.


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Nov 05, 2020
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Nov 05, 2020
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